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Poinsettia euphorbia pulcherrima 'Mars Early Red'
SKU | Name |
POI-MAR-101-LP10 | Rooted Cutting 10 Count Oasis Strip |
The Poinsettia is the most popular Christmas flower with its annual sales now exceeding that of all other potted plants combined. A native of Mexico, the plant was introduced to America in 1825 by U.S. Ambassador Joel Robert Poinsett. The red flowering poinsettias are still the top sellers, but the other colors are gaining more & more in popularity. Many people mistakenly identify the plants bracts, which are modified leaves, as its flowers. The actual flowers are the small, yellow clusters (cyathia) found in the center of the bracts. Leona Red is a mid-season poinsettia featuring a very uniform habit and beautiful red bracts with excellent shelf life.
- Bloom Color: Red
- Zone: Indoor
Many people believe the misconception that poinsettia’s are poisonous. Poinsettia’s, are absolutely not poisonous! Part of the Euphorbia family, poinsettia’s do produce a milky sap that can cause skin irritation among some and you do want to keep the plant away from small children and animals as ingestion of the plant could cause mild discomfort. If you like a challenge, poinsettias are perennial and can be kept to bloom again the next year. Many find it much easier to simply buy new the next season.