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Mum chrysanthemum x morifolium 'Pop Eye Orange'

SKU Name
MUG-POP-201-F06 #6 Mum Pot
MUG-POP-201-F09 #9 Mum Pot
MUG-POP-201-F10H #10 Hanging Basket
MUG-POP-201-F12T #12 Terra Pot
MUG-POP-201-F14T #14 Terra Pot

Mums are a low maintenance and easy to grow plant for fall.  They are loaded with flowers and come in a wide selection of colors, flower types and bloom times.  Lucas Greenhouses grows a full range of mums starting with very early varieties and finishihng with late season extenders to keep you in color all fall.  Beverly Orange is a two-toned orange decorative flower that is a mid season bloomer.  The habit on Beverly Orange is sphere.

Mums bloom in response to the shorter days and longer nights of fall.  Normal rainfall is often sufficient for mums.  During dry spells, water as needed keep from wilting.  The vigor listed for each mum relates to both plant height and width.  There are three main growth habit's listed for our mum's: Classic = old fashion garden mum habit or semi - upright.  Mound = nice round habit but not quite a sphere.  Sphere = very round with flowers all down the sides.