What better way to practice Social Distancing that to get out in your garden? When done in a manner consistent with local and federal guidelines, gardening is a perfect way to both get out of the house and practice social distancing (We also thing it does wonders for mind). With this in mind, the NJNLA is compiling a list of Garden Retailers that are open and serving the public in a “socially distant” manner. They will be listing these businesses on their website www.plantsomethingnj.com.
If you are interested in having your business listed, please fill out the NJNLA’s survey in its entirety, through the link provided below.
We are continuously looking for ways to serve our customers and partners in a healthy manner, and will continue to update these posts with relevant information as it becomes available.
Read MoreAs with any situation as vast and far reaching as the one we as a country find ourselves in at present, communication is of paramount importance. We are encouraged by the new Administrative Order as it allows our industry to remain operational in what is easily the most critical time of year in this industry. We are open and operational, and ready to provide our services to our customers where ever they may reside.
That being said, we have received a few pieces of information that we feel are relevant to our industry, partners, and customers. The New Jersey Farm Bureau has released information regarding the current status of "essential" businesses and how it pertains to greenhouses and garden centers. According to a recent piece of information, Agriculture and its supportive businesses are deemed "essential" and are exempt from the shut-down.
Alongside this communication, Administrative Order No. 2020-5, from the Emergency Management office of the NJ Department of Law and Public Safety's State Police Division, adds Nurseries and Garden Centers to the list of essential retail businesses.
As this is a constantly changing situation, we will endeavor to give timely updates and will continue to provide links to the relevant Organizations and their posts.
Below you will find links to:
New Jersey Nursery and Landscape Association
And for those of you located in Pennsylvania you may refer to the
Pennsylvania Landscape & Nursery Association
*A note for Garden Centers located in PA. THE PLNA has updated their website here with new information about requesting an exemption in order to resume business operations!
UPDATE: The deadline for appling for an exemption has passesd though the PLNA has a link for a survey so they can collect more information in order to get Garden Centes in PA ,that have not recieved an exemption, up and running again
Here are PDF versions of the communication from the NJFB as well as the Administrative Order for your information as well.
Administrative Order No. 2020-5
COVID-19 Emergency - Member Blast #1
GardenCenterMag.com has compiled a helpful list of Regulations per state regarding COVID-19 as it relates to Green Industry Businesses, and will update as new information becomes available.
*All information is up-to-date as of 5:00pm 4/2/2020.
*Updated with Link to GardenCenterMag.com's State-by-State article.
*Updated with new information from PLNA's website regarding Garden Centers, and Deadline for application.
*Updated with PLNA link on 4/8/2020
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