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Aster Novi-Belgii 'Henry I Blue'

SKU Name
AST-HEN-501-F09M #9 Pot
AST-HEN-501-LS51 Rooted Cutting 51 CT Tray

Asters are a flowering perennial that provides a stunning amount of blooms, in unique colors, for fall sales.  The variety Henry I Blue is a Early (North Sept 11 - 16), Blue double-flowering Aster that can be found in our #9 Pot.  The flower size for Blue Henry I Blue is about 1 1/2 inches and the variety is sold under the Blue/Lavender category on the Lucas order sheet.

The pollen on open Aster flowers often attracts bees.  It is best for Asters to be sold when only a few flowers are showing color.  This will reduce the amount of bees your customers will have to fight off when purchasing the plants & ensures the customer of maximum home enjoyment.

Great Companions for Aster 'Henry I Blue'